

  1. 名 称
    (英文)4th International Congress on Stratigraphy
  2. 会 期
  3. 会議概要
    1. 会議の形式:全体会議と分科会との併用
    2. 会議の開催周期:4年に1回
    3. 会議開催地、会議場:リール(フランス)、リール大学会議場(Lilliad)
    4. 会議開催母体機関:第4回国際層序会議組織委員会
    5. 会議開催主催機関及びその性格:


    6. 参加状況

      参加国名 フランス、イギリス、イタリア、中国、日本など40か国、285人

    7. 次回会議予定(会期、開催地、準備組織、主なテーマ):2027年、開催地未定
  4. 会議の学術的内容
    1. 日程と主な議題:

       Subcommission Sessionsとして以下の17がもたれた。カッコ内に開催日時および会場を示す。
      SC1: Time-scale calibration (July 12th, 4 pm, Room D)
      SC2: The Anthropocene: stratigraphical concepts and evidence (July 11th, 4.30 pm, Room D)
      SC3: Developments in Quaternary chronostratigraphy (July 11th, 2.15 pm, Room D)
      SC4: Neogene stratigraphy and palaeoceanography (July 12th, 1.30 pm, Room D)
      SC5: Advances in Paleogene research (July 12th, 11 am, Room D)
      SC6: Integrated stratigraphy and GSSPs of the Cretaceous System (July 11th, 2.15 pm, Room A)
      SC7: Cretaceous palaeoceanography, palaeogeography, biota, climate change and critical events (July 13th, 11 am, Room A)
      SC8: The Jurassic: events, correlation and timescale (July 11th, 2.15 pm, Room B)
      SC9: Triassic integrated stratigraphy, GSSPs, and extreme climatic, environmental and biotic events (July 12th, 11 am, Room A)
      SC10: Correlation of glacial events and extinctions: the Permian and beyond (July 13th, 11 am, Room C)
      SC11: Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous world (July 11th, 2.15 pm, Room C)
      SC12: Devonian palaeoenvironments and time (July 13th, 11 am, Room B)
      SC13: New stratigraphic insights into the Silurian story (July 12th, 4 pm, Room C)
      SC14: Ordovician: correlation of events (July 12th, 1.30 pm, Room C)
      SC15: Cambrian stratigraphy, palaeontology and depositional dynamics (July 12th, 11 am, Room C)
      SC16: Tonian to Cryogenian stratigraphy, palaeobiology and Earth system change (July 13th, 11 am, Room D)
      SC17: The Early Precambrian: a chronology of invisible time (July 13th, 2.30 pm, Room D)

       ICS (国際層序委員会)および各小委員会の会合が以下のように開催された。
      ICS Business Meeting: July 11th, 12 pm, Room D (limited to ICS Subcommission chairs)
      Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification (July 12th, 12.30 pm, Room D)
      Quaternary Subcommission (July 11th, 6 pm, Room D)
      Neogene Subcommission (July 11th, 6 pm, Room Y)
      Cretaceous Subcommission (July 12th, 6 pm, Room B)
      Aptian Boundary Working Group (July 11th, 6 pm, Room A)
      Jurassic Subcommission (July 11th, 6 pm, Room B)
      Triassic Subcommission (July 12th, 6 pm, Room A)
      Permian Subcommission (July 12th, 6 pm, Room Y)
      Carboniferous Subcommission (July 11th, 6 pm, Room C)
      Devonian Subcommission (July 12th, 6 pm, Room D)
      Silurian Subcommission (July 12th, 6 pm, Room C)
      Ordovician Subcommission (July 12th, 6 pm, Room S12)
      Cambrian Subcommission (July 12th, 6 pm, Room S11)
      Cryogenian Subcommission (July 11th, 6 pm, Room S11)

    2. 提出論文(日本人、日本人以外):


    3. 学術的内容に関する事項(当該分野の学術の動向、今後の重要課題等):


    4. その他の特記事項:


