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Our Reports

English Version of Recommendations and Reports

Date Title
April 23, 2024 Statement:Concern about the Government Decision "Reform of the SCJ to establish a Corporation Independent from the Government of Japan (December 22, 2023)" - As a National Academy Contributing to the Nation and the World -
September 28, 2023 Remodeling science and society for the next 20 years:Ten recommendations from Young Academy of Japan
September 28, 2023 Measures to prevent epidemics of high-risk infectious diseases need to be promoted
September 28, 2023 Promoting Data Collection and Utilization to Reduce Childhood Injuries
September 27, 2023 On the Preservation and Utilization of Cultural Properties to Support the Continuation and Development of Local Communities
September 27, 2023 Toward the Enrichment of “Geography” and the Construction of Geography Education Consistent from Elementary School to University;Toward the realization of a sustainable society
September 27, 2023 Reference Standard for Comprehensive Synthetic Engineering Fields for Quality Assurance of University Education 〜Cultivating human resources in the field of comprehensive synthetic engineering who are dedicated to addressing social issues〜
September 27, 2023 Fostering a Sense of Reassurance in Engineering Systems
September 26, 2023 Five Recommendations for Rapid Qualification of New Development Tools for Innovative Medical Products
September 26, 2023 Materials, Records, and Memories related to the COVID-19 Pandemic : How to Preserve and Hand down them to Future Generations
September 26, 2023 Plasma Science-For its interdisciplinary development and a prosperous future society-
September 26, 2023 Proposals from Academia for More Resilient Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures – It is Time to Promote Effective Use of Prediction of Radioactive Material Dispersion
September 26, 2023 A need for comprehensive strategic planning regarding Japan's Earth satellite observation
September 26, 2023 Visualization Facilitating Scientific Knowledge Making―Transdisciplinary Digital Visual ThinkingBased on Visual Analysis of Big Data
September 26, 2023 Promoting industrialization-oriented type (value acquisition type) R&D in the ICT field
September 26, 2023 Towards Cross-Border Infrastructure Governance
September 26, 2023 On the education of statistical science in the area of mathematical science, data science and artificial intelligence in universities
September 22, 2023 Importance of introducing gender perspectives into elementary and secondary education and creating a desirable environment for STEM education in order to accelerate the advancement of women into science and engineering fields.
September 22, 2023 Support and Environment Development for the Cultivation of Doctoral Talents in Chemistry Leading Japan's Society and Industry~Creating a Movement for Strengthening the Layer of Doctoral Talent through Collaboration Among Industry, Government, and Academia, and Cultivating a Positive Image Towards Advancement to Doctoral Programs~
September 22, 2023 Unwanted Pregnancy of Adolescent and Young Adult Women: Support for the Mother and Child and Prevention of Child Abuse
September 22, 2023 Establishment of a global center of excellence with realization of a world-leading large scale power laser facility in which diverse expertise can play an active role
September 22, 2023 Toward Sustainable Development of Offshore Wind Power at Active Margins -Importance of Submarine Geohazard Risk Assessment-
September 19, 2023 Toward a Safe and Secure Digital Society
September 15, 2023 New challenges in science and technology for future urban land use to cope with the increasingly frequent and intensified water-related disasters due to climate change
September 1, 2023 Human Resource Development and Ecosystem to Promote Industrial Competitiveness Based on Computational Science
August 29, 2023 Transforming Society to Become Resilient and Sustainable beyond Catastrophic Disasters
August 29, 2023 Establishment of a public platform for the proper operation of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) with ethical issues - Focus on Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Genetic Disorders (PGT-M)
April 18, 2023 Statement: Dialogue, Not Explanation, Establish an Open Forum for Consultations, Not Hasty Revision of the Law
April 18, 2023 Recommendation on suspension of submission of the bill to amend the Act of Science Council of Japan and establishment of an open forum for consultation to review the entire academic system
February 7, 2023 Explanation Note on the Statement of the General Assembly (December 2022) calling upon the Government to reconsider its planned amendment of the Law concerning the Science Council of Japan
November 25,2021 Toward Research Evaluation for the Advancement of Science:Challenges and Prospects for Desirable Research Evaluation
November 16,2021 SSH7(Social Sciences and Humanities 7)
Community Engagement
Education, Skill, and Employment
Trust, Transparency & Data Gathering
Inequalities & Cohesion
Fiscal Policy
August 6,2021 S20(Science 20)& SSH20(Social Sciences and Humanities 20)2021
Pandemic preparedness and the role of science
Crises: economy, society, law, and culture ― Towards a less vulnerable humankind ―
September 26,2020 Foresight: Science for Navigating Critical Transitions
September 18,2020 Building a sustainable global society by strengthening disaster resilience:- Developing an "Online Synthesis System (OSS)"and fostering "Facilitators" to realize consilience -
September 11,2020 Toward the development of a vibrant, super-aged society: The future of medicine and society in Japan (Executive Summary)
August 4,2020 Ethical justification for the use of genome editing technology for human reproduction (Executive Summary)
July 7,2020 Progress and Challenges in Research and Studies on Environmental Contamination Caused by the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
July 3,2020 Establishment of a Permanent Organization to Prevent and Control Infectious Diseases
April 7,2020 The pollution of water environment by microplastics
The Need for Ecological and Health Effects Research and the Governance of Plastics
March 27,2020 Recommendations for Legal Regulation on Clinical Applications of Human Germline Genome Editing
March 6,2019 Threats to Coastal and Marine Ecosystems, and Conservation of the Ocean Environment - with Special Attention to Climate Change and Marine Plastic Waste
December 19,2018 Assessment of the Revised Plan of International Linear Collider Project (Executive Summary)
December 7,2018 Statement by the Executive Board of the Science Council of Japan on “Genome-Edited Babies”
July 25,2018 Food and Nutrition Security: Improving Soils and Increasing Productivity
May 31, 2018 G-Science Academies Statements 2013
The Global Arctic:The Sustainability of Communities in the Context of Changing Ocean Systems
January 22,2018 The treatment of Digital Sequence Information with respect to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol
September 27,2017 Genome Editing Technology in Medical Sciences and Clinical Applications in Japan
June 1,2017 Toward the Comprehensive Development of Academic Research in the Arts and Sciences: Proposals from the Humanities and Social Sciences
March 24,2017 Statement on Research for Military Security
March 22,2017 G20 Germany 2017 Science 20 Dialogue Improving Global Health Strategies and Tools to Combat Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
July 6,2016 Recommendations Concerning an Approach to Open Science That Will Contribute to Open Innovation
February 26,2016 Disaster Risk Reduction and Promotion of International Research on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation ― Recommendations for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Reduction and Tokyo Statement
October 15,2015 Statement from the Executive Board of Science Council of Japan to Express our Sincere Appreciation for the Support and Approval towards the “ Statement on the Future Direction of the University: In Relation to the Departments/Graduate Schools of Teacher Training,and Humanities and Social Sciences” and the Proposal for Nationwide Consensus towards University Reform  15 October 2015
July 23,2015 On the Future Direction of the University: In Relation to the Departments/Graduate Schools of Teacher Training and Humanities and Social Sciences 23 July 2015
September 9,2014 Reference Standard for History Teaching/Learning in University
September 2,2014 Report〝A review of the model comparison of transportation and deposition of radioactive materials released to the environment as a result of the Tokyo Electric Power Compny’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident"
First part
Second part
Third part
Forth part
Fifth part
Sixth part
Seventh part
September 30, 2013 Report on the International Linear Collider Project Executive Summary
August 19, 2013 A point of reference in curriculum-design/development for disciplinary quality assurance in university education―mechanical engineering
May 29, 2013 G-Science Academies Statements 2013
Driving Sustainable Development: the role of Science, Technology and Innovation
Drug Resistance in Infectious Agents - A Global Threat to Humanity
May 10, 2012 G-Science Academies Statements 2012
Building Resilience to Disasters of Natural and Technological Origin
Energy and Water Linkage: Challenge to a Sustainable Future
Improving Knowledge of Emissions and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases
April 9, 2012 Recommendations from Science Council of Japan (SCJ)- with Confident Steps towards Reconstruction -
April 9, 2012 On Cross-regional Processing of Disaster Wastes
April 9, 2012 Building Tsunami-proof Communities - Showing How Tohoku Reconstruction Makes Use of Nature -
April 9, 2012 Supporting Job-Seekers and Establishing Reconstruction Non-profits in Disaster-Stricken Areas- Towards the Promotion of Industry and Employment to Support Victims in Disaster-Stricken Areas -
April 9, 2012 Toward Making a New Step Forward in Radiation Measures - Taking Actions based on Fact-based Scientific Research -
September 28, 2011 Report regarding Japanese Master Plan of Large Research Projects 2011 : A Table of 46 Selected Projects
A Table of 46 Selected Projects
September 27, 2011 Recommendation To Understand the Present Conditions of Social Disparities in Health in Japan and Work towards Improvements
August 3, 2011 The 7th emergency recommendation regarding the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Scientific Survey and Analysis of Movement of Radioactive Substances over a Wide Area
May 19, 2011 Joint G8+ science academies' statements
Education for a Science-Based Global Development
Water and Health
May 2, 2011 Report to the Foreign Academies from Science Council of Japan on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident(Revised Version)
April 15, 2011 The 6th emergency recommendation regarding the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Perspective of gender equality with regard to relief, support, and restoration
April 13, 2011 The 5th emergency recommendation regarding the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Utilization of robot technology for the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Supplementary explanatory document for the 5th emergency recommendation
April 5, 2011 The 4th emergency recommendation regarding the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Urgent proposal related to measures for earthquake disaster waste and prevention of environmental impact
April 5, 2011 The 3rd emergency recommendation regarding the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
(Items) For the relief of victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the recovery of the disaster-stricken areas

For the relief of victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the recovery of the disaster-stricken areas
April 4, 2011 The 2nd emergency recommendation regarding the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Regarding the necessity of the investigation of radiation levels after the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
March 25, 2011 The first emergency recommendation regarding the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
March 25, 2011 Emergency Meeting of the Science Council of Japan Emergency report on “What can we do now?”
March 18, 2011 Statement of the Executive Committee of Science Council of Japan Disaster in Northeast Japan and Nuclear Emergency
May 27, 2010 Joint G8 science academies' statements
Health of Women and Children
Innovation for Development
March 17, 2010 Recommendation regarding Japanese Master Plan of Large Research Projects : A Table of 43 Selected Projects
June 11, 2009 G8+5 Academies' joint statement
Climate change and the transformation of energy technologies for a low carbon future
June 26, 2008 Adaptation to Water-related Disasters Induced by Global Environmental Change
June 10, 2008 Joint Science Academies' Statements
Climate Change Adaptation and the Transition to a Low Carbon Society
Global Health
February 26, 2008 Present Status of Research Evaluations and its Future in Japan
July 13, 2007 Toward the Establishment of National Strategy for Better Growing Environment to Promote Children’s Vitality(summary)
May 30, 2007 Policies for the Creation of a Safe and Secure Society in the light of Increasing Natural Disasters around the World
May 24, 2007 Policy Recommendations for Reducing Energy Consumption by the Building Sector
May 24, 2007 To overcome the crisis of museums
May 16, 2007 Joint science academies' statements on growth and responsibility
sustainability, energy efficiency and climate protection
the promotion and protection of innovation
March 22, 2007 Energy and Global Warming -Equitable Allocation of Efforts for Sustainable Society-
Reference Materials
Reference Materials1,Reference Materials2,Reference Materials3,Reference Materials4,Reference Materials5,Reference Materials6,Reference Materials7
March 22, 2007 Proposal:Integration of Knowledge-Toward Science for Society-(summary)
January 25, 2007 The Future Society Envisioned by the Science Community
November 22, 2006 Policies for Developing Gender Studies in Japan Recommendation: Pioneering the Future of Science and Society Based on Gender Perspectives (summary)
Policies for Developing Gender Studies in Japan Recommendation: Pioneering the Future of Science and Society Based on Gender Perspectives (full document : Japanese)
October 3, 2006 Statement: Code of Conduct for Scientists
Statement: Code of Conduct for Scientists (summary)
Statement: Code of Conduct for Scientists (full document : Japanese)
June 14, 2006 Joint Science Acedemies' Statements
Energy Sustainability and Security
Avian influenza and infectious diseases
June 1, 2006 Guidelines for Proper Conduct of Animal Experiments
March 23, 2006 Proposal for Designing of Official Statistics of Japan (summary)
Proposal for Designing of Official Statistics of Japan (full document : Japanese)
June 8, 2005 Joint science academies' statements
Global response to climate change
Science and technology for African development
April 2, 2005 Japan Vision 2050
April 20, 2004 Towards Dialogue with Society
December, 2002 Japan Perspective
June 8, 2000 Concrete Measures for the Improvement of a Working Environment for Women Scientists (Proposal)
June 8, 2000 Gender Equal Participation at the Science Council of Japan (Statement)
September 20, 1999 Developments in Science-Technology and New Threats to Peace
SCIENCE COUNCIL OF JAPAN  7-22-34, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8555, Japan