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President's Room(25th)


Photo:Professor.Juichi Yamagiwa

KAJITA Takaaki
Science Council of Japan, the 25th Term

Takaaki Kajita has been serving as the President of Science Council of Japan since October 2020. He is the Distinguished Professor at The University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo School of Science in 1986, and has been researching at the Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande detectors at Kamioka Observatory in central Japan. In 1998, at the International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics held in Takayama, Gifu, he showed the analysis results which provided strong evidence for atmospheric neutrino oscillations. In 2015, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for his role in discovering neutrino oscillations. Currently, he is the project leader for the KAGRA project, aiming to explore the gravitational wave astronomy.

Message from the President

The Science Council of Japan, established in 1949 under the Science Council of Japan Act, is an academy with the mission of contributing to the peaceful reconstruction of Japan and the welfare of human society. It pursues the goal of academic progress, in partnership with academic organizations all over the world. It is established within the government Cabinet Office as a "special organization" that carries out its duties independently under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister.

In accord with its founding purpose, the Science Council of Japan represents of the Japanese scientific community and scientists across all disciplines, the humanities and social sciences (Section I), the life sciences (Section II), the natural sciences, and engineering (Section III). The organization comprises 210 Council Members (quota) and approximately 2,000 Members. We formulate comprehensive policy recommendations to the Japanese government and the public, engage in international academic activities, build networks among scientists, and endeavour to increase awareness of the important role of science.

During more than 70 years since the establishment of the Science Council of Japan, science and technology have developed tremendously. Likewise, connections with the world of international academia have become more substantial. As the achievements of science and technology have become widely reflected in our daily lives, it is also essential to consider the perspective of the humanities and the social sciences in sharing scientific knowledge for the betterment of society and its citizens.

The current COVID-19 pandemic requires global cooperation among science, technology, governments, and people. Meanwhile, many new challenges are also emerging. These include environmental deterioration such as global warming, widening economic and social inequalities, and conflicts, whether ethnic, religious or other, which can undermine the very foundation of the international order and peace. It is evident that the role of academia is crucial in confronting these challenges. In particular, in order to solve such complicated problems we are facing, it is essential that we bring together the wisdom of all disciplines to find pathways toward solutions.

The Science Council of Japan continues to contribute to Japan and the world as an organization that brings together experts from all academic fields. The Council shows ways to overcome problems and raise public awareness of potential issues. To this end, it is more vital than ever to disseminate and share our message, communicating with society and the government for fair, healthy dialogue and for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Through constant cooperation with academies and international academic organizations worldwide, the Science Council of Japan continues its efforts to further contribute to the advancement of the global academic community.

KAJITA Takaaki
President, the Science Council of Japan

SCIENCE COUNCIL OF JAPAN  7-22-34, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8555, Japan