Young Academy of Japan
- Bylaws of Young Academy [English]
- Notes for management of Young Academy [Japanese]
- Article 34, Constitution of Science Council of Japan [Japanese]
- Bylaws of Young Scientist Network [Japanese]
Young Academy Meetings
Subcommittee of Young Academy
Subcommittee on Human Resource Development for the Future of Science
- This subcommittee will promote research and discussion to evaluate the social value of liberal arts education and professional education provided by higher education from various perspectives. The Subcommittee will also promote research and discussion on how to create an environment where graduate students can receive effective education and focus on research. In addition to the above, we will study the framework for supporting young researchers, including graduate students, in their mental and economic environments.
Subcommittee on Japanese Academic Systems
- Subcommittee on japanese academic systems aim to carry out research and discussion to make visible the various "traditional practices" in japanese academia and, if necessary, to make suggestions for their improvement. Our activity will contribute to the empowerment of Japanese academia by finding sufficient time for researchers to engage in their own research with a good life- work balance.
Subcommittee on Interdisciplinary Research and Activities
- Subcommittee on interdisciplinary research and activities aims to promote research exchange among young scientists, to propose new areas where innovative research can be developed through the fusion of scientific disciplines, to propose visions for the future society generated by the innovations, and to interact with citizens using new technologies.
Subcommittee on International Activities
- International Relations Subcommittee aims to promote and improve Japanese academic activities and environments by enhancing international interactions with world wide young academy members. In addition, not only contributing to the Global Young Academy, but also by cooperating with world wide young scientists, we aim to solve variety of global problems we are facing.
Subcommittee on Social Collaboration for Regional Vitalization
- Nowadays, it is widely recognized that science works for solving social issues. As well, the importance of civic participation in scientific activities in local communities is reevaluated.
Subcommittee on Social Collaboration for Innovation
- The advent of a revolutionary era of scientific and technological innovation requires academia broaden its perspective while deepening collaboration with society. This subcommittee aims to promote social collaboration by young scientists through exchange activities with related stakeholders in science, administration, industry, and NPOs. We will also examine the relationship between academia and society, such as investigating the best ways for social cooperation and implementation of scientific and technological innovation.
Subcommittee on GYA AGM Local Organization
- Subcommittee on GYA AGM Local Organization aims to consider the future of science and technology and solutions to global-scale social issues together with the Global Young Academy (GYA), an international young academic organization consisting of 200 young scientists selected from around the world. In order to hold the GYA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference in Japan, this subcommittee will collaborate with the Planning and Organizing Committee of the GYA to propose the contents of the plan and speakers, to make domestic preparations, and to coordinate to set up a forum for discussion in which young researchers, senior researchers, government officials, industry and the general public can participate.
Public Relations Subcommittee
- Public Relations Subcommittee aims to promote the activities of YAJ and increase their visibility through enhancing public relations activities. We consider a wide range of entities, not limited to academia, but including other national and international institutions (government, industry, media, and the public), as important stakeholders and try to develop a mutual communication platform through dialogue and collaboration with those stakeholders.
Activities hosted by Young Academy
Articles of Young Academy *Trends in the Sciences
Logo of Young Academy of Japan
The logo was designed by Dr. Tomoya Hanibuchi, a member of Young Academy of Japan, in 2018. The interdisciplinarity and enthusiasm of YAJ are represented by the flowers and leaves.
- The logo can be used for promotional activities of Young Academy of Japan.
- Inquiry about its usage must be sent to the chair, vice-chair, or secretaries.
- The logo can be resized, but its color and aspect ratio cannot be altered.