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Ubuntu Alliance

The SCA had endorsed and issued the "Ubuntu Declaration on Education and Science and Technology for Sustainable Development" with ten other of the world's foremost global educational and scientific organizations, such as the United Nations University, UNESCO and ICSU, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg from August 26 to September 4, 2002.

The participation in this Ubuntu initiative at WSSD was reported and appreciated at the General Assembly of the third SCA conference held in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia from May 13 to 15, 2003. The General Assembly participants showed their expectation for the future visible contribution not only in Asia but also in the wider arena in collaboration with other international organizations like the United Nations.

The signatory organizations of the Ubuntu Declaration have formed the Ubuntu Alliance as a strategic alliance of the world's leading education, science and technology organizations working towards achieving sustainable development. The Institute of Advanced Studies of the United Nations University (UNU-IAS) supports activities of the Ubuntu Alliance as a secretariat.

The SCA, as a member of the Ubuntu Alliance, is to contribute for achieving the Ubuntu Declaration through participating in the meetings/committees and other activities of the Ubuntu Alliance in collaboration with UNU-IAS and other international organizations.

Ubuntu Alliance Members

  • United Nations University (UNU)
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ? since 2006
  • International Association of Universities (IAU)
  • Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
  • African Academy of Science (AAS)
  • Science Council of Asia (SCA)
  • International Council for Science (ICSU)
  • World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
  • Copernicus Alliance (former Copernicus-Campus)
  • Global Higher Education for Sustainability Partnership (GHESP)
  • University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF)
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ? since 2006
  • Association of African Universities (AAU) ? since 2009