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Statutes of the Science Council of Asia (SCA)

Name and Status

1. The Science Council of Asia, hereinafter called the SCA or the Council, is an international and non-profit organization constituted by the voluntary cooperation, initially, of the following Asian countries: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam.


2. The objectives of the SCA are:
(1) to provide scientists in all fields, including cultural and social as well as natural sciences and technology, a collaborative platform for promoting scientific exchange and cooperation in Asia for the improvement of human society, and,
(2) to develop and promote a holistic vision by integrating the emerging advances in science and technology with Asian wisdom, values and heritage, focusing on sustainable development and improvement in quality of life.


3. To be beneficial to organizations concerned in each country according to these objectives, the SCA may:
(1) identify and examine issues of mutual interest in Asia for evolving proposals for action by related agencies and international bodies;
(2) obtain information needed for all activities of the SCA and disseminate it widely;
(3) cooperate with academic communities in Asian countries and international scientific and technological organizations and others devoted to the promotion of excellence and cooperation;
(4) provide expert opinion/informed advice on scientific issues;
(5) convene the annual General Assembly (the Assembly), meetings of the Management Board (the Board), conferences, symposia and others.


4. Membership of the SCA shall consist of eligible organizations from the SCA countries.
(1) A maximum of three organizations in each country may be admitted as members, but at least one organization shall be preferably a government/public sector organization.
(2) An eligible organization is defined as one involved in cultural, social, and/or natural sciences and technology, as well as other disciplines relevant to the objectives of the SCA.
(3) The SCA welcomes the participation of international, regional or national organizations of cultural, social and/or natural sciences and technology who are interested in its activities as observers.


5. (1) The total membership shall constitute the Council (SCA).
(2) The Council (SCA) shall be governed by a Management Board consisting of one designated representative from each of the SCA countries. (The designated representative must come from a member organization of the SCA in the country.) and of a Secretary General/Treasurer stated under Article 7.
(3) Membership of the Board shall not exceed 15.


6. (1) The Council shall meet as a body in a General Assembly consisting of designated representatives from each of the SCA countries once a year. (The designated representative must come from a member organization of the SCA in the country.)
(2) The Board shall meet at least once a year, at the time of the General Assembly or as necessary.


7. A Secretariat shall be established at the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) which shall assist the work of the Council and the Board. The Secretariat shall be led by the Secretary General/Treasurer.

Functions of the General Assembly

8. The Council at its annual General Assembly shall:
(1) elect from among the members of the General Assembly, a President, a Vice President and a Secretary General/Treasurer;
(2) approve the amendments of the Statutes and By-laws;
(3) receive the annual report and statement of accounts from the Board;
(4) determine the host country for the Assembly and the meeting of the Board;
(5) decide on each application for membership;
(6) make decision by consensus of the members present.

Functions of the Board

9. The Board shall:
(1) constitute such committees as necessary to assist it in carrying out its functions;
(2) formulate rules and regulations;
(3) prepare the action plan and the budget of the SCA;
(4) review past activities;
(5) approve any proposals/statements prior to dissemination;
(6) make decision by consensus of the members present.


10. The necessary expenditures of the SCA shall be shared among SCJ, the host country and delegates as stated in the By-laws.

Approved on May 14, 2000
Revised on May 9, 2001
Revised on May 13, 2002
Revised on May 13, 2003
Revised on June 16, 2009