SCA TOP > Activities > Guidelines for SCA Joint Projects

Guidelines for SCA Joint Projects

1. Concept

SCA Joint Projects are research projects on scientific issues promoted by two or more researchers under the leadership of a researcher of member country.  The objective of the projects should be i. to share experiences, ii. to promote collaboration, and iii. to achieve the common goals of the SCA.

2. New Proposals

(1) Any person recommended by a member organization of the SCA is eligible to propose a SCA Joint Project as an anchor.

(2) The anchors of the proposed SCA Joint Project shall have an opportunity to present interim or final results of the project at the annual SCA conference.

3. Collaboration

(1)  Any person who is interested in the proposed project may apply for collaboration to the anchor.  The collaborators may not necessarily belong to member organizations.

(2) When the proposed project gets an offer of collaboration, the anchor shall start the project with the collaborators except for cases of specific obstacles.

(3) The member organization that recommended the anchor shall offer as much assistance as possible to him/her in order to promote the project.  

4. Authorization

(1) The proposed project may be authorized as SCA Joint Projects at the SCA Management Board Meeting when it is agreed that it meets the objectives of the SCA. 

(2) The SCA and its member organizations shall disseminate the interim and final results of SCA Joint Projects to government, public, national academic organizations and industries as well as international academic organizations. 

5. Note

The SCA shall not give any financial assistance to any SCA Joint Projects until necessary conditions are met including establishment of own financial resources by introduction of membership fee.