SCA TOP > Activities > Seventh Conference> SCA Joint Project Workshop B
Seventh Conference
SCA Joint Project Workshop B:"Management of Sustainable Aquatic Environment"

Tetsuya Kusuda
Kyushu University, Japan

"Devloping Sustainable Sanitation System and Its Implementation to Asian Countries"PDF File(473KB)
Naoyuki Funamizu Hokkaido University

"Toilet should suite to the Environment"PDF File(1,026KB)
Tadaharu Ishikawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

"Experimental application of sustainable sanitation system in Japan"PDF File(588KB)
Ryusei Ito
Hokkaido University

"Culture's barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia"PDF File(2,196KB)
Neni Sintawardani and Jovita Astuti
Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI)

"Northern China under the Concept of Decentralization and Reuse"PDF File(1,563KB)
Wang Xiaochang
Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China

"Creation of the innovative sustainable sanitation model with concept of Community Innovation Platform" PDF File(2,139KB)
Mitsumasa Yokota
Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan