




委員長 岩崎 俊一 (日本学術会議第5部会員、東北工業大学長)

幹 事 北野 弘久 (日本学術会議第2部会員、日本大学法学部教授)
    合志 陽一 (日本学術会議第4部会員、国立環境研究所副所長)

委 員 中西  進 (日本学術会議第1部会員、大阪女子大学長)
    宮家  準 (日本学術会議第1部会員、國學院大学文学部教授)
    三谷太一郎 (日本学術会議第2部会員、成蹊大学法学部教授)
    小林太三郎 (日本学術会議第3部会員、埼玉女子短期大学長)
    花輪 俊哉 (日本学術会議第3部会員、中央大学商学部教授)
    矢原 一郎 (日本学術会議第4部会員、財団法人東京都臨床医学総合研究所副所長)
    川久保達之 (日本学術会議第5部会員、桐蔭横浜大学工学部教授)
    上野 民夫 (日本学術会議第6部会員、京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生命科学専攻教授)
    小泉 千秋 (日本学術会議第6部会員、東京水産大学長)
    齋藤 和雄 (日本学術会議第7部会員、北海道健診センタークリニック院長)
    藤田 恒夫 (日本学術会議第7部会員、日本歯科大学新潟歯学部第二解剖教授)






















T 従前の経緯 −「戦略研究」の提唱

U 「戦略研究」の問題点
 1 進歩をゆがめる基礎研究・応用研究の分類
 2 誤解を生む直線的思考
 3 総合性を欠く「戦略研究」

V 新しい研究分類としての「モデル転換論」
 1 研究過程による分類
 2 新しい分類の特徴
 3 科学諸分野への対応

W 諸科学の融合
 1 統合科学
 2 統合科学の理念
 3 新認識

X 新しい研究理念に求められるもの
 1 研究者の意識
 2 施策の必要性
 3 新分野の開拓
 4 研究制度の充実

付録1 総務庁科学研究調査における研究の分類
付録2 「新たな研究理念を求めて」の報告にあたって(経過説明)
付録3 報告の英訳


日本学術会議 第17期第3常置委員会

T 従前の経緯−「戦略研究」の提唱

 1995年4月、第16期日本学術会議の第121回総会において、今までの一般的な基礎研究と応用研究の間に新しい研究カテゴリーとして戦略研究(Strategic research)をおくことが伊藤正男会長(当時)から提案された。この提案は欧米諸国の同じような動きと相まって、いくつかの討論の結果、日本学術会議の公式の見解と認められた。第15期までの、とくに応用を意識しない基礎研究を重視してきた日本学術会議にとって、これはきわめて新しい動きであった。







U 「戦略研究」の問題点

1 進歩をゆがめる基礎研究・応用研究の分類






2 誤解を生む直線的思考





 米国でも、やや趣旨は異なるが、研究分類の見直しが進められている。競争力委員会(Council of Competitiveness、1986年設立)はポスト1945年体制における基礎、応用、開発という直線的な区分が、現在では技術革新の現実から離れて非生産的な政治的論議を生んでいるとし、研究のタイプを、その結果が期待できる期間を考えて、短期的/低いリスク(3年)、中期的/中程度のリスク(4〜6年)、長期的/高いリスク(7年以上)の三つに分けることを提案している。


3 総合性を欠く「戦略研究」

 新しい「戦略研究」という定義は、科学技術の分野はともかくとして、人文、社会科学を含む学術研究一般には適用が難しく、それが人文、社会、自然 諸科学間の乖離をさらに拡大する恐れも大きい。



V 新しい研究分類としての「モデル転換論」

1 研究過程による分類










図1. 研究モデルとその循環

2 新しい分類の特徴






3 科学諸分野への適応



W 諸科学の融合

1 統合科学


2 統合科学の理念




3 新認識




X 新しい研究理念に求められるもの

1 研究者の意識


2 施策の必要性



3 新分野の開拓



4 研究制度の充実


 ア 新たな研究理念に基づく、科学技術会議を設ける。
 イ 科学技術研究における大学、研究機関の役割りを明確にすること。
 ウ 新たな研究理念を求める研究者を育成し、十分な研究費を充当すること。
















◇ 研究モデルとその循環を示す図1とその説明(V、1)
◇ 総合科学と俯瞰型研究の関連(W、2)


 なお、本報告に関連して、吉川会長の依頼により、1999年2月5日にフィンラン−アカデミーのセミナー"Global Science"で日本代表として講演を行っている。創立50周年を記念するセミナーで、当日のプログラム(別紙)と講演原稿を添付した。





Global Science
Seminar T of the President of the Academy of Finland
Helsinki Hall in the Finlandia Hall, Helsinki
Friday, 5 February, 1999

The seminar will be in English with simultaneous interpretation into Finnish.
Chair: Professor Reijo Vihko, President of the Academy of Finland

10:00 Opening words, Mr. Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Minister of Education

10:10 Morning lectures
   ・Life Science in 2050, Academician Lennart Philipson, Sweden/USA
   ・Biological Sciences - From Basic Discovery to Pharmaceutical
    Application, Professor Jonathan Knowles, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.,
   ・The Future of the Social Sciences in Society and Science,
    Academician Erik Allardt, Finland

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Piano duo by Erik T. Tawaststjerna and Hui-Ying Liu

14:30 Afternoon lectures
   ・Science and the Developing Countries, Professor C. Wayne Bardin, USA
   ・The Direction of Science in Japan, Professor Shun-ichi Iwasaki,
    Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan

16:00 Discussion

16:30 Reception in the Helsinki Hall foyer



Seminar of the Academy of Finland, February 5, 1999

A New Direction of Science in Japan
- from "Strategic Research" to "Model Research"

Shun-ichi IWASAKI*

*Chairman, The Third Committee, The 17th Science Council of Japan. President, Tohoku Institute of Technology,
Sendai 982-0831, Japan

T. Introduction
 The Science Council of Japan was established in 1947 to represent scientists in Japan. The Science Council is directly responsible to the Prime Minister of Japan. At present, 210 members are elected representing 89,000 scientists in the cultural and social sciences and 607,000 scientists in the natural sciences.
The main duties of The Science Council are:
1. To promote key issues of the sciences and counsel the government with policies.
2. To achieve close communication between scientists in Japan and the world in academic research on the cultural, social and natural sciences.

 The Science Council of Japan has promoted cooperation with international academic organizations, dispatched representatives to important international conferences, cosponsored and supported conferences held in Japan and abroad, and so on. My presentation today at the Academy of Finland Seminar on "Global Science" is such an activity of The Science Council of Japan. The theme of my lecture is "Science in Japan". However, to describe the condition of all sciences in Japan is too difficult. Instead, I will make a talk on what guidance is underway for promoting scientific research in Japan.

 In October 1998, I had the opportunity to make a keynote address to the 129th general meeting of The Science Council of Japan. The title of my presentation was "New Concept for Research - from Strategic Re-search to Model Research". The talk was focused on describing a new direction and a fundamental idea for the promotion of science in Japan. The presentation was an interim report of The Third Committee and the opinion was supposed to meet with the approval of a large number of the members on that day. Accordingly, I will introduce you to the contents of this report, and I would appreciate comments from European scientists who have a long history of significant scientific creations and achievements. This is a golden opportunity for me as a scientist of Japan.

U. The Proposal of "Strategic Research"
 In April 1995 at the 121st general meeting of The 16th Science Council of Japan, Dr. Masao Ito, president, proposed "strategic research" as a new research category to be placed between traditionally accepted basic and applied research. After many discussions, his proposal was accepted as the official view of The Science Council in accordance with similar trends in Europe and the U.S.A. This new introduction of "strategic research" was an epoch-making event for The Science Council of Japan, which had previously regarded basic research, without any purpose of application, as the most important research activity.

 Stimulated by this new definition of scientific research, every ministry and agency of the Japanese government initiated public "strategic research" programs open to the private sector in November 1995. Moreover, the government decided in June 1996 to provide long-term government investments as a fundamental plan for future support of science and technology in Japan. Therefore, the proposal of introducing "strategic research" can be regarded as a great achievement of The 16th Science Council of Japan because it had a major effect on national policy for continuing support of science and technology in Japan.

 Several opinions were expressed by members of the Council such as that "strategic research" can be defined as "research that has long-term potential for application" (Masao Ito, April 1996), and "research that must look back to fundamental issues to find the purpose of practical use" (Shun-ichi Iwasaki, April 1996), and "research that always seeks applications to solve basic problems" (Akiyoshi Wada), were published in the official journal, Trends in the Sciences, of The Science Council of Japan.

 Although it is commonly recognized that "strategic research" should be an interactive combination of basic and applied research, the proper name is still open for discussion. Furthermore, how best to subdivide scientific research into categories such as basic, strategic, applied and development is not yet clear. However, realizing the significance of "strategic research" for government policy, The Third Committee of The 17th Science Council of Japan intends to further clarify and develop the idea of "strategic research" for the guidance and promotion of scientific research in Japan.


V. Problems Implied in "Strategic Research"

1. Classification into basic, applied and development research obstructs progress

 Basic, applied and development research have been the generally accepted classification of scientific research in Japan. The Science and Technology Basic Law that was recognized at the National Assembly in October 1995, adopted this subdivision. Such a classification implies positive promotion of basic research and was accepted until the 15th Council. In addition, many opinions today have been expressed that the pro-motion of basic research that is not directed towards any application may have been necessary for increasing the creative power of sciences of Japan. This was thought as a way to respond to the criticism of a "free ride on basic research" since the advancements of Japanese science and technology have been based on the benefits derived from the basic research performed in foreign countries.

 However, true progress of sciences and technology in Japan may have been obstructed by such a classification that attempts to subdivide all sciences into basic, strategic, applied and development research. Progress means that an original theory in science leads to an innovation in technology. Few cases can be identified in Japan that have contributed to innovation in scientific research and technology. The real blame of "appreciation of new knowledge without any contributions" is rooted in the fact that Japan has biased basic research only for the purpose of achieving improvements of ex-post-facto innovations.

2. Misunderstanding induced by classification of research

 Another problem associated with the classification of scientific research into basic, strategic, applied and development is that it leads to a misunderstanding that basic research will eventually lead to applied research which can be directed for practical development. By investigating innovations in science and technology, it can be shown that the best way to achieve creation of innovation in technology is first to notice the scientific importance of practical problems and then second to perform research on the related fundamental phenomena.

 Arguments for "strategic research" have been met with much expectation and have resulted in drastic increases in the budget for scientific research after the middle of the term of the 16th Science Council in 1996. At the same time, however, it was recognized that it is necessary to approach basic and applied research with a broader concept than before. This need for a broader concept is suggested by how Japanese government ministries have named their "strategic research" programs : "Research for the Future Program", "Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology", "Program for the Creative Industrial Technology Research and Development", and so on.

 Reconsideration of the classification of research has also occurred in the United States. The Council of Competitiveness (founded in 1986) recognized that the classification of basic, applied and development in the post-1945 era caused unproductive political discussions apart from technological innovation. Accordingly, it was proposed that research should be divided into three categories taking into account the time period required for achieving promising results ; (1)the short-term/low risk(3 years), (2)the middle-term/moderate risk(4 to 6 years), and (3)the long-term/high risk(over 7 years).

 Industry is mainly occupied with short-term and middle-term research, while universities and government are responsible for long-term research with the cooperation of industry. In this case, long-term research should have some practical goals for technology as well as some enhancement of fundamental scientific knowledge. This pragmatic classification of research used in America can be a useful reference for Japan.

3. "Strategic Research" is difficult to apply to liberal arts and social sciences

 Other than the areas of science and technology, it is difficult to apply the new definition of "strategic research" to general academic research in the areas such as the liberal arts and social sciences. It is feared that further estrangement may occur between the cultural, social and natural sciences so that classification of basic and applied research should be reexamined for achieving a balanced development of academic research.


W. "Model Research" as a new classification of research

1. Classification by research processes

 From the above point of view, it is desirable that any new model of classification of academic research which includes cultural, social and natural sciences needs to be much simpler and more flexible. The most natural classification should follow the mental process of researchers in performing actual research :

  First: Creation Model Research,
  Second: Development Model Research,
  Third: Integration Model Research.
The key words for each classification are as follows:

 Creation Model Research (First Model) : Proposal of hypothesis and verification
  Original, Unconventional, Recognize/Discover, Noncompetitive

 Development Model Research (Second Model) : Standardize and popularize
  Precise, Objective, Design/Make Competitive

 Integration Model Research (Third Model) : Integration with the real world
  Social, Humanity, Ethical, Cooperative

2. Features of the new classification: "Model Research"

 The classification of research from the first (creation), second (development), and third (integration) models demonstrates the three logical steps of the academic research process that distinguished it from the traditional classification of basic and applied research.

 Research that does not seek practical uses and is traditionally classified as basic research may be included within the second model (development) research as long as the idea or the method follows previous studies and seeks precise follow-up examinations. On the other hand, research for practical use can be. classified in the first model (creation) research if it proposes a new method. The first model (creation) research and the second model (development) research can include the traditional categories of basic and applied research depending on the objectives, methods and results of research. The correct recognition of these models will be the first step in developing a "strategic model" of research. The third model (integration) research is the process that academic research that can be regarded as integrating research cycling between the creation and the development models such as that integrated by the human society and the natural environment.

The Research Model

 The word "model" used here is based on the intrinsic nature of academic research whereby the results thought to be correct at present are not always true and should be questioned if necessary. Academic research essentially seeks to approach truth by an infinite number of repetitive cycles of the models of creation and development research. The discussion in the l6th Science Council of Japan on the paradigm shift in academic research demonstrates the necessity for the above cycling to include the third model of integration research by incorporating all the cultural, social and natural sciences.

 The application of the "Model Research" classification by researchers will stimulate spontaneously the interactive cyclic research activities between all the models. Consequently, the change of the way that basic research is not practical and that applied research is merely for practical use will produce strategic ideas that will be developed to enhance the creativity in all scientific research.

3. Extension to integration of science

 The new "Model Research" classification provides common terms for all scientific research because it can easily be applied not only to natural science but also to cultural and social science neither of which can be classified into basic or applied research. The "Model Research" classification has this remarkable property, whereas traditional classification does not. This will be the first step in removing the limitation that "except research related only to liberal arts" as stated in the Science and Technology Basic Law.


X. Integration of the Sciences

1. Integration of science and its philosophy

 Classification of research fields exclusively into the categories of cultural, social and natural sciences is merely one of several possible formalisms. The human mind confronting an unknown phenomenon should have a much wider spectrum than that provided by each category and no phenomenon exists isolated alone culturally, socially or naturally.

 Therefore, existence of science that conforms to the "Model Research" classification as being in accordance with the mental process of researchers, should become the issue to be considered. Is it possible to integrate science and its philosophy? Integration of cultural, social and natural sciences traditionally means putting these areas together and dealing with the border areas, but every research objective should go beyond that and be dealt with in an integrated way. This is the fundamental meaning of the term "integration of sciences".

 The integration of sciences is based on the idea that "science serves as the foundation for the creation of culture". Therefore, it requires a suitable theme, the appropriate methodology and the theory constructed with them. Science was originally philosophy at the very beginning of human learning. Supported by the integrating nature of a researcher's mind that does not restrict methods or suppress creative thinking, the integration of sciences is defined to give meaning to the phenomenon of wisdom.

2. Environmental earth science

 "Environmental earth science" is an example of the integration of sciences. This science aims at compatibility of the benefit of human beings and nations with the globalization of science, standing on the close relation between "social and national welfare" and science and technology". The population, food and other global problems should be considered in an integrated way, and the competition, interaction and symbiosis of living creatures should be discussed globally in integrating the various sciences. The construction of the post-oil culture using biological resources is one example.

 Furthermore, the discussions on the wide-view based project research (proposed by Dr. H. Yoshikawa, the president) have already started as one of the schemes to reach the integration of sciences. The goal of research is not only to produce desirable (we call it the positive effect), but also to find out as early as possible the occurrence of the negative effects and to develop the restraint and means to remove the negative effects by the end of a research project. Such a wide view of research is necessary, for instance, in recent studies of organ transplant, cloning, virtual reality, greenhouse effect, and so on. Each research project should be conducted by a group of researchers from the targeted research field along with the influenced fields as recommended to the organization by the Science Council of Japan. In this way, the cooperation between the both fields can be decided independently by the project organization itself.

3. New recognition

 In order to construct the integration of sciences which can sustain the progress of human culture, a "new recognition' is required that crosses over views separating the various sciences which have been considered individually in the past. For instance, "fluctuation" in the human mind, social phenomena, overall materials, is called "returning to the origins" in the science of religion, while in the physical sciences, "fluctuation" is an important concept in statistical mechanics in the sense that all that is observed "fluctuates" around a mean value. From the standpoint of cultural science, the human mind and the behavior of living organisms are essentially "fluctuating", and that is thought to be the proof of living, while, in physics, however, "fluctuation" has been thought to never occur without external stimulation. In recent years, the concept of "chaos" is enthusiastically used in mathematics and physics, but this means an unpredictable fluctuation phenomenon that happens without an external stimulation. However, it is not known yet whether or not this can be an explanation for the intrinsic "fluctuation" of living organisms. On the other hand, the Orient has Chwang-tse's idea of "all things change" which integrates the relationship between "fluctuation" and the "existence of life and matter". Chwang-tse's thought is that matters are dissolves yet undeniably existing.

 In the way, the concept for the same term "fluctuation" has various nuances depending on the different areas of science. As an academic direction for the 2lst century, each scientific area needs to make an effort to construct "new concepts" by mutual understanding and influencing other concepts of science cultivated in various areas. The integration of science is a cross-sectional study directed toward such a new recognition.


Y. Proposal of new researchers and policy

1. Necessity of new researchers

 In order to become free of the criticism "free ride on basic research", it is necessary to cultivate new researchers who have a clear idea of what each academic research area in the future should be, but also a deep understanding of the importance of the integration of sciences. The generation of new researchers should implement the new "Model Research" classification and the "Integration of Sciences" in cultural, social and natural sciences.

2. Necessity of policy

Performing research on creative themes is an urgent necessity for not only achieving progress in academic research but also for the survival of the Japanese nation. What is needed for this purpose is a broadminded research attitude toward the creation, development and integration models discussed above to find, solve, and develop creative themes, not dwelling simply on what is commonly known. This requires a policy that integrates academic trends in the sciences and the real status of society in order to enhance creativity in academic research and make a substantial international contribution. A sufficiently supportive environment for enhancing academic research must be provided.

3. Development of new research areas

 "Strategic research" originally came from the idea to extend scientific creations to the industries in Britain in 1993 by the Major administration. England is honored with achievements of modern scientific creations. Although technological developments have been popular in Japan, "strategic research" should be included that will create new scientific technology even from practical research themes. The new classification of "Model Research" is a natural way that will generate true advancements of the sciences. To develop new research areas in which Japan has superiority and obtains respect and contributes to progress of human culture are exactly what is expected by all researchers.

4. Enrichment of a new education and research environment

 To provide enrichment of a new research and education environment, we must:

A. Establish an organization for the integration of science and technology in the government.
B. Clarify the role of universities and research organizations in the research of science and technology.
C. Educate new researchers and appropriate research funds.

 Since it will be necessary to prepare for the integration of sciences that will be in strong demand in the future, education must provide all students with opportunities to learn cultural, social and natural sciences. New teaching methods must be adopted that encourage diversely talented people to help in the implementation of "Model Research".


Z. Conclusion

 The discussions on the direction of sciences in The Third Committee, The Science Council of Japan resulted in the following conclusion:

1. "Model Research" is proposed as a new classification of research for whole science.
2. This new classification will stimulate the interactive cyclic research activities between all the models, which leads to integration of sciences.
3. Integration of sciences will produce new recognition that crosses over various sciences.

 Although the result was interim, it was supposed to meet with the approval of a large number of the members. Therefore, I am convinced that the science and technology in Japan will progress with the fundamental idea at least for substantial years from now. I myself will endeavor for it.

The author wishes to express his great appreciation to The Academy of Finland for inviting him to present at the first Seminar.
Shun-ichi IWASAKI was born in Aug. 3, 1926 and received his BS and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Communication Engineering from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He is now president of Tohoku Institute of Technology, member of the Science Council of Japan and Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University. He has been engaged in the research of magnetics and material sciences. By his research activities, he was awarded the Life fellow and the Cledo Brunetti Award of the IEEE, Prizes for the Medal of Japan Academy, Person of Cultural Merit of Japan and honorable members of five technological societies of Japan. In January 1994, he made a "new year's lecture", which was an annual ceremony of Imperial Court, as one of three eminent scholars in Japan. The title of the lecture was "On Magnetism and Information".



1.R&D expenditures in selected countries.(Calculated by purchasing power parity)


2.R&D expenditures for basic research of natural science.


3.Ratio of R&D expenditures of natural science (FY 1995)


4.Budget for grants-in-aid for scientific research. (Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture)


5.New programs for the promotion of strategic research.